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Monday 23 June 2014

The new Peer Mentors enjoy a training day

Emily-Rose Peck, PR Prefect, writes:

On the 15th May, Mrs. Hickman and Mr. Simmonds took the recently new assigned Peer Mentors to the Boship Hotel for their training.  The students enjoyed learning about what makes a good Peer Mentor and what is expected from them to help the new Year 7s feel comfortable during their transition and their first year at Chailey.

Throughout the day they participated in many activities such as circle time and trust games and getting to know one another better. The day also helped with boosting their own confidence and gave them new mentoring skills.  They were shown how to deal with certain situations which may arise and how best to approach a student who may be going through a difficult time.

To see if they were good listeners a game was set up; they were split into teams and stood in a long line, one behind the other.  Mrs Hickman and Mr Simmonds then read out a story to the first member in the line, which they then, in turn, had to re-tell to the next person and so on.  At the end, the students in the team whose story was the closest to the original were the best listeners. This ensured everyone understood the importance of being a good listener.

All in all the day was really helpful and everyone enjoyed it and had fun.

This day would not have been possible without the support of the Boship Hotel and the wonderful lunch they provided, which was perfect. 

Here are just a few of the comments from the students:

“I found today really enjoyable and got to know everyone better.”  Georgia Cudby.

“I found today really fun because of all the activities.”  Chloe Butcher.

“I found the day really good as all the teachers gave us confidence and advice about becoming a Peer Mentor.”  Izzy Enyon.

“I really enjoyed bonding with the other Peer Mentors.”  Adam Cork.