Years 7 and 8 spent the last week before Easter carrying out investigations involving Cadbury’s Creme Eggs. The students had to come up with their own investigation questions and ideas involved “How many Creme Eggs does it take to get to space?”, “How many Creme Eggs can you fit inside a netball court?” and “What is the terminal velocity of a Cadbury’s Creme Egg?”. In Year 7 there were two winning groups. The first was Sophie Wright, Victoria Grover and Harry Rienecker-Found, who investigated how many Creme Eggs equalled the weight of Sophie and “Approximately how many Creme Eggs tall was the Maths block?”. The second winning group was Miller Perry, Eleanor Lomas, Katie Joyce and Harry Knighton, who created different parachutes for their Cadbury’s Creme Egg and investigated the effect this had on the speed of the egg when it was dropped from a window. In Year 8 the winning group was Owen Scott, Ben Dekel De La Haye and Laine Houlton, who investigated how far a Creme Egg would roll on different surfaces. All groups worked “egg-celently” and came up with some very unique ideas!
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Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Years 7 and 8 Creme Egg Challenge
Years 7 and 8 spent the last week before Easter carrying out investigations involving Cadbury’s Creme Eggs. The students had to come up with their own investigation questions and ideas involved “How many Creme Eggs does it take to get to space?”, “How many Creme Eggs can you fit inside a netball court?” and “What is the terminal velocity of a Cadbury’s Creme Egg?”. In Year 7 there were two winning groups. The first was Sophie Wright, Victoria Grover and Harry Rienecker-Found, who investigated how many Creme Eggs equalled the weight of Sophie and “Approximately how many Creme Eggs tall was the Maths block?”. The second winning group was Miller Perry, Eleanor Lomas, Katie Joyce and Harry Knighton, who created different parachutes for their Cadbury’s Creme Egg and investigated the effect this had on the speed of the egg when it was dropped from a window. In Year 8 the winning group was Owen Scott, Ben Dekel De La Haye and Laine Houlton, who investigated how far a Creme Egg would roll on different surfaces. All groups worked “egg-celently” and came up with some very unique ideas!