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Chailey School has an mobile App

Sunday 13 October 2013

Chailey School recognised for its carbon-cutting efforts at the Royal Pavilion and Museums, Brighton

On 9th October 2013, Chailey was among a group of 4 schools recognised at the Royal Pavilion in Brighton for its year-long efforts to cut carbon and save energy.

A special graduation ceremony was held for schools that have participated in a 12-month peer-to peer mentoring programme facilitated by national green energy charity Ashden
to help them learn about how to save energy and cut their fuel bills.

The schools were presented with their certificates by Sarah Butler-Sloss, Founding Director at Ashden, Cllr Pete West , Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee and Cllr Sue Shanks, Chair of the Children & Young People’s Committee. 

At Chailey this work has been led by Mr Cossutta who says “the students presented a PowerPoint presentation, spoke very well and were a real credit to the school. They were excellent and really took part in all activities and in the day, as they have in all the workshops during the year.  We have a framed certificate which recognises all their hard work which will go on display in our school foyer - showing our commitment to saving energy throughout the school.  This work goes along with the installation of solar panels at the school which are another development of our commitment to eco school initiatives."

Ashden's Founding Director, Sarah Butler-Sloss said:  "These schools have shown that by taking simple steps to save energy they can make really significant savings, which can be ploughed back into education.  They are also using their experience to innovate their curriculum.  This year's LESS CO2 cohort has done particularly well and it would be great to see some of them applying for an Ashden School Award in the future."

LESS CO2 Programme was set up in 2010 in response to schools’ requests for practical, hands-on mentoring to help them make the changes they need to reduce their energy bills and to help build a low-carbon future.