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Friday 5 June 2015

Year 9 trip to London

Eden Rowling-Ashworth, 9 Firle, writes: 

Our school trip to the Churchill War Rooms and HMS Belfast

It all started at 7:30 in the morning; we got up, came to school and got on the coach. We travelled for two hours to central London and the bus driver dropped us off a five minute walk away from the Churchill War Rooms. As we got to the entrance we took a minute to look at the memorial of the Bali bombings. We looked at the sculpture and the names of all the victims.
 Then a guide took as around the back entrance of the War Rooms down a set of stairs and into the War Rooms. We sat down in a room and watched a short clip about the Blitz and the war. Next we briskly threw our bags in a room and were whisked off down the corridor into a classroom. That was when the real fun began. Our class was divided up into six groups, all with different tasks to complete.  For example, typewriting, decoding and map plotting. When we finished that we were allowed to look around the War Rooms on our own.  
We saw everything; Churchill’s bedroom, his office and the map room. The map is frozen in time. We then left the War Rooms and had a brisk walk and sat down in the park. Then we ate lunch and walked back to the coach.

 A 15 minute journey and we were at HMS Belfast. We walked aboard and looked around. When you entered, a great torpedo was in front of you.  It was around 5 metres long with a rounded top. We then  walked around the ship. Up and down the ladders all at 10 degrees, (it was extremely easy to hit your head). Then we looked at the guns. They were huge monsters; you could see they were made to kill. Also there were huge engines and machines all over the ship, (which many sailors would sleep over). It was amazing.

Then we grouped up again and made our way back to the coach, it took us two hours to get back, but we didn’t mind. London was fascinating and so was the trip.