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Friday 5 June 2015

Keep dancing .......

Some cool dance moves took place in the Drama studio yesterday when KS3 students took part in a non-stop dance during lunch as part of Healthy Eating Week to demonstrate the importance of exercise in a healthy lifestyle.  
7  Firle were voted the winners for being the most creative, energetic and enthusiastic team of dancers.

Mr Austin writes:

KS3 students were this week involved in National Healthy Eating Week 2015. The initiative is designed to encourage young people to commit to a healthier lifestyle for the week in a bid to promote permanent change with regards to lifestyle habits.

At the core of the week's events were 5 challenges, to eat breakfast everyday, drink plenty of water, eat your 5 a day, get active and try something new.

The PE department ran a series of lunchtime interform challenges for KS3 students in order to help students 'get active'. These included a 12 minute run relay for Year 7, a Plank relay for Year 8 and a 500 step up race for Year 9. A danceathon was also held for all forms in KS3.

In curriculum time all KS3 students also ran a fun run in their first PE lesson of the week and tried an alternative activity in their second lesson. These included capture the flag, football tennis, cheerleading and quidditch.

The canteen has also this week been promoting foods which contain one or more of the 5 a day.

The week has proved to be huge success with many students entering into the spirit and taking an active part in the challenges.