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Wednesday 9 July 2014

Wales Camp

Mr Hillier writes from Wales:

Having found Wi-Fi at the climbing centre I am now able to update you all with news and photos from Year 9 Camp here at Llangorse, Wales.  

We arrived safely at around 4pm on Sunday and the students quickly settled into their new surroundings.  Despite the heavy rain on arrival, everyone was in good spirits and soon had their tents organised to their liking.

Once the rain had ceased, the students were given a bit of free time to explore their new home for the week.  Some were quick to begin burning off their excess energy accumulated from the coach journey with a game of football, while others took a more relaxed approach, and along with a handful of staff, headed off to the lake to take in the tranquil surroundings.

We are now well into day three and the students have had a great couple of days so far.  Everyone took part in two of either Pony Trekking, Kayaking, Team Building or Canadian canoeing yesterday and today are either climing or caving followed by a 5k waterfall walk.

Feedback from the students would suggest that the highlight of the two days so far was capsizing the staff kayaks / canoes, which, of course, the staff were delighted about.

The camp quiz took place last night and tonight the staff will be getting their ear defenders ready for the Karaoke evening.

The students have been immaculate to this point in their behaviour and effort in the activities and around camp and are doing themselves, their parents and Chailey School proud.

That is all for now, hopefully more updates and pictures to follow in the next day or two.