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Tuesday 4 February 2014

Year 7 Trip to Lewes Castle

On Monday 3rd February, Year 7 went to Lewes Castle. We went because at the moment we are learning about Normandy and the Battle of Hastings, so Lewes Castle was the perfect place to go.

The day started off with a tour of the castle and the story behind it.  It was an amazing tour in which we all learned a lot. We started off at the bottom of the castle and made our way up to the top. It was very, very windy but we persevered and made it right to the top! We even discovered how William, Duke of Normandy, managed to attack.

After the tour we went to the museum which was very interesting.  We learned from old artefacts how Lewes grew as a town.  There was a presentation and a very interesting detailed model of Lewes.  There was also a gift shop which everyone enjoyed!!!  Then it was lunch.

After lunch we did some role play.  Everyone had to dress up as a king or a queen and then make a speech about how they would attack the castle. Everyone came up with different ideas but they were all fantastic and cunning!

Finally we all looked at local artefacts such as pottery and knives and found out what they were and everyone enjoyed it!

Then it was time to go home. We all very much enjoyed the day and we learned a lot. So thank you very much to all the teachers who took us there and to everyone at Lewes Castle.  We all had a lot of fun!

By Imogen Smith and Katy-Mae Gibbs

The Lewes Castle trip was fascinating and thought provoking.  We learned the most effective ways to attack the castle using the landscape around us and the 3D model. Our group was lead by Mr Cullen who was very useful as a great source of information. We also did three other activities including the castle work sheet, the guided tour of the castle and an artefacts workshop.  We really enjoyed the trip and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys history.

By Sam Hollingsworth and John Macleod