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Monday 9 December 2013

Science Workshop at Priory School

Inspiring Science trip to Priory School
On Wednesday 27th November fifteen year 9 students went on a trip to Priory School to take part in a triple Science inspiring workshop event.  The session included demonstrations from current Brighton University students studying Pharmacy at degree level.  The purpose of the trip was to encourage students to think positively about triple Science.   During the interactive two-hour workshop students rotated around five different activities:

Discovering our Nanoworld - how mobile phones can be protected by Nano-particles!

Making medical kits for the developing world (for diabetic sufferers)

How do we make sure the drugs we take are safely produced? (real and fake drugs)

Clean sources of energy - is it possible?  (chemiluminescence and an example of this is glow sticks)

From paints to clothes: the science behind colour generation

The trip was truly inspiring and the students really enjoyed asking the current university students questions about what they studied at A-level and at school - hopefully it has helped to motivate them with their current and future education choices.

Mrs Scott-Smith
STEM Coordinator