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Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Year 8 Research the Human Circulatory System

Science goes inspirational and creative!

Year 8 took the homework task of creating a model of the human circulatory system to another creative level.  The task was a three week project to explain the circulatory system and the journey a red blood cell may take around the body. Linking together the topics learnt in class, students could present their work in any format. The most original pieces included:
  • Ed Walker-Reilly's life size model, made from paper mache, with excellent descriptions and annotations of the blood flow around the body
  • Eavie Churchill's exciting and realistic game where you had to be a red blood cell and take a journey around the body
  • Sam Boswell's car full of oxygen and carbon dioxide balloons and an excellent video production of the Shoreham flyover roundabout as the heart and Shoreham airport as the lungs - the satellite navigator was even programmed to say the name of major arteries!
  • Finally Cleo Demetriou's poem in which she included very complex scientific detail throughout. 
Outstanding work Y8 and true Scientists to be !!

Well Done from Mrs Chalcroft.