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Chailey School has an mobile App

Monday 18 November 2013

Year 7 rise to the challenge!

On Saturday, 12th October, Year 7 went on their first Chailey School trip. They started off at the school, bright and early, with everyone buzzing with excitement (even the teachers!)  Everyone got put into groups of around 15 people, and then got onto the coaches.  After the 30 minute ride, they were there - Trekco at Blacklands Farm.

Firstly, the groups met their team leader who would guide them round their activities. There were lots of different activities for everyone to do from tree climbing, to abseiling and different group activities where you had to work as a team; otherwise you wouldn’t pass the challenge.  The most popular one was probably the tree climb.  In the tree climb, the target was to ring a bell, but to get there you had to complete different obstacles such as climbing big staples and going across wobbly swings and bridges 10 metres up in the air!!!  The next challenge was a team challenge called the Titanic.  In this challenge you had to get the whole team from one side to another with out touching the ground and all you had was a rope swing to get across!  Most teams succeeded if they worked together well.  Then it was lunch!

Most groups had only 20 minutes for lunch, and then as soon as the groups had finished it was on to the next activity.  Our next activity was abseiling.  In this activity you had to climb lots of stairs to get to the top of a 15 metre wall.  Then you were harnessed on to drop down the wall and land on a coloured square.  Most people did it but some people were scared of heights.  There was lots of cheering as everyone encouraged their own team members to complete the task.

It was nearing the end of the day, but there was still one challenge left - the egg challenge!  In this challenge everyone had to wrap their group egg which they had managed to look after all day.  It was a challenge where you had to drop your wrapped up egg from the very top of the abseil tower!  Only one egg survived!!!

Too soon it was time to go home.  Everyone had an AMAZING day and had made some new friends, so a big THANKS to the all the staff at Blacklands Farm, all the teachers from school who came along and of course, Mrs Hickman for organising it all.