Chailey School has an mobile App

Chailey School has an mobile App

Thursday 21 November 2013

Switch-off Fortnight 2013

Chailey School is taking part in Switch Off Fortnight 2013 and saving energy!

Switch-Off Fortnight has been organised by EDF Energy’s national education programme, the Pod, to encourage schools to reduce their energy consumption and inspire families and friends to adopt the same good energy habits. The campaign runs from Monday, November 18th to Sunday, December 1st and schools across the country are taking part.
The campaign will focus on the ‘take it home’ message, encouraging pupils to take their awareness of energy saving into their homes, to inspire families and friends to adopt the same good energy habits.  Mr Cossutta, our Eco Co-ordinator,  will be challenging the Year 7 students to be ‘energy secret agents’ who will be on a ‘secret mission’ to audit the energy wastage in their households, from appliances on standby to lights left on and talking with their family members about why it is important to save energy – not only will it help reduce carbon emissions but help save money on energy bills.   They will be reporting back their findings so you have been warned!!!!!