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Wednesday 23 October 2013

Historical Excellence

Bethany Churchill, a Year 11 student, has just researched and written an historical account of the life of Catherine of Aragon.  Entitled ‘Humble and Loyal’ it follows the life of ‘Henry VIII’s first love’ as Bethany calls her, from her birth to her death in 53 pages.  Profusely illustrated in full colour, it is a professional production from start to finish.

Bethany is something of an expert on the Tudor period and has read extensively on the subject.  When she did her work experience at Hever Castle for a week last July, the administrator of Hever was very impressed with the depth of her knowledge.  Bethany knew more than all of us” was her comment at the time.

So perhaps Hilary Mantel has a worthy successor here at Chailey to follow in her footsteps as an historical author.