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Monday 1 June 2015

We say a fond farewell to Mrs Marshallsay

Mrs Young writes:

On Friday 22nd May we said a fond farewell to Mrs Marshallsay who has been at Chailey School since 2001, initially joining the school as Head of English, she has twice been promoted against national fields of applicants, being appointed as Deputy Headteacher here in 2012.  As well as being an outstanding teacher of English - as many students and parents are well aware - Mrs Marshallsay has also led teaching and learning developments here at Chailey and delivered on that tricky job each year of writing the timetable for the whole school!  In all aspects of her work here Mrs Marshallsay has been superb and she is respected and admired by governors, colleagues, students and parents.  We will miss her a great deal but we wish her well in developing her career further in a larger 11-18 school.  Indicative of Mrs Marshallsay's commitment to the school however, is that she is going to return for the morning of Monday, 1st June in order to give final revision tips, support and advice to her Year 11 English class.