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Wednesday 17 June 2015

2014-15 Key Stage 3 Inter-form Competition

A sense of value, team work, challenge, enjoyment and of course competitiveness:  all reasons why the Key Stage 3 Inter-form competition is a continuing success.

The competition has run throughout the academic year with all areas of the curriculum involved, alongside the incentive of gaining merits. During the year, form groups have competed in challenges such as Speed Maths, Spelling Challenge, Big Bang Science, Art Attack, Cross-Country Running, Talent Show, Egg Heads Quiz, Tug-of-War, Humanities Challenge, Language World Domination and Merit Point Challenge.  Activities were performed in either curriculum time or in extra-curricular hours. 

Of course there could only be one winner from each year group:

Yr 7

1st  Firle  (64 Points)

Ash  (62)
Gly   (61)
Dit    (58)
Cab  (58)

Yr 8

1st  Ashdown (66 points)

Gly  (63)
Dit  (55)
Fir   (51)
Cab (46)

Yr 9

1st   Ditchling (62 points)

Ash  (61)
Fir   (60)
Cab  (53)
Gly   (53)

Congratulations to 7 Firle, 8 Ashdown and 9 Ditchling, 2014-15 champions! As a reward, the winning form group from each year will be off timetable, Friday, June 26th, for a fun 'Celebration Day'.  The pictures attached are the winning Form Reps from each group.

Good luck next year Key Stage 3.