Charlotte Gander, Year 10 writes:
On Friday 13th February, 14 Year 10 students travelled to Cambridge to get a sense of what
university life is like, and the effect that education at this stage has later
on. We arrived at school early so that we could get on the road for our minibus
The idea of the trip was to encourage us to aim high, and
that, if we put in the effort, even top universities don’t have to be an
out-of-this-world prospect. However one thing that I believe many of us
realised was that this isn’t too far in the future.
Once in Cambridge, we
received a talk about all things to do with university at the Churchill College
campus, one of the more modern Cambridge
colleges. It was easy to relate to, as many things we do now affect our choice
later in life.
We got an insight into living as a student on site
when we were shown a typical student apartment. We visited one of the older colleges, Pembroke College,
as well as a couple of the libraries but didn’t visit them all as Cambridge has 100 of
The day gave as an opportunity to ask any questions we had,
and discover more about the logistics of applying to any university. Overall I found the day very informative and, whilst also
remaining enjoyable, it opened my eyes to the possibilities, even those which I
hadn’t considered before. I feel that it was all very helpful.