Chailey School has an mobile App

Chailey School has an mobile App

Friday, 27 February 2015

National sporting success for Chailey student

We are very proud and pleased to congratulate Chailey student, Bill Saunders in Year 9, for his latest sporting achievement.

Following the Vault London event last weekend, Bill has moved up to second position in the UK rankings for the U15 age group in Pole Vault.

He has also obtained a new Lewes AC Club Record at 3.43m.

This Sunday he is competing in the UK National Athletic Competition for Pole Vault in Sheffield and we wish him good luck.

Chailey students experience university life at Cambridge

Charlotte Gander, Year 10 writes:

On Friday 13th February, 14 Year 10 students travelled to Cambridge to get a sense of what university life is like, and the effect that education at this stage has later on. We arrived at school early so that we could get on the road for our minibus journey.

The idea of the trip was to encourage us to aim high, and that, if we put in the effort, even top universities don’t have to be an out-of-this-world prospect. However one thing that I believe many of us realised was that this isn’t too far in the future.

Once in Cambridge, we received a talk about all things to do with university at the Churchill College campus, one of the more modern Cambridge colleges. It was easy to relate to, as many things we do now affect our choice later in life.  
We got an insight into living as a student on site when we were shown a typical student apartment.  We visited one of the older colleges, Pembroke College, as well as a couple of the libraries but didn’t visit them all as Cambridge has 100 of them!

The day gave as an opportunity to ask any questions we had, and discover more about the logistics of applying to any university.  Overall I found the day very informative and, whilst also remaining enjoyable, it opened my eyes to the possibilities, even those which I hadn’t considered before.  I feel that it was all very helpful.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Year 11 attend Poetry Live event at the Brighton Dome

The Poets appearing today
Simon Armitage
Gillian Clarke

They will be reading some of their poems

Carol Ann Duffy
John Agard

Daljit Nagra

Imtiaz Dharker
A group of Year 11 students are spending the day at the Brighton Dome to hear some of the poets they have been studying for GCSE English Literature.

Two examiners will then guide them through aspects of the poetry they need to consider and the type of questions they will be asked in the exam.  The day provides invaluable experience and support for our students.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Chailey teachers run the Brighton Half-Marathon

We are very proud and happy to congratulate six of our teachers who took part in the Brighton half-marathon and raised money for charity at the same time.

Ms Maynard, Mrs Chalcraft, Ms Burke, Mrs Marshallsay, Ms Turner and Mr Smith were all at the starting point on Sunday whilst the rest of us were enjoying our final day of half-term being a little less energetic!

They have been busy training for the event over the last few months by running circuits around the school and have been out braving the cold, the dark and the wet.  

Well done to you all!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Mrs Young celebrating our success with students who proudly display the letter of congratulations from David Laws, Minister of State for Schools

Top performing local Secondary School praised by Minister

CHAILEY SCHOOL is celebrating recognition at the highest level for the achievement of its pupils.  The Minister of State for Schools, David Laws, has written to the Headteacher, Lesley Young, informing her that the School “has proven to be one of the top 90 non-selective state funded schools in England showing the greatest sustained improvement in the percentage of pupils achieving five or more A*-C grade GCSEs including English and mathematics GCSEs.”

He went on to congratulate her on the hard work and success of staff, governors and pupils over the last three years and thanked Mrs Young and her leadership team for “the drive towards the highest standards of educational achievement.”

Mrs Young said: 

“There is no doubt that staff and pupils, supported by governors and parents work tirelessly every year to ensure that all our young people fulfil their potential.  Having recently received an ‘Outstanding’ grade from the Local Authority and confirmation that the class of 2014 were placed 3rd out of 55 similar schools nationally in last week’s Performance Tables, the knowledge that we are consistently one of the top performing schools in England is fantastic!  When I opened the letter from the Department for Education last Friday I was so proud of all my colleagues and students – they are absolutely brilliant and deserve to know how good they are!”

Mrs Young went on to say that an extract from the Performance Tables and a copy of Mr Laws’ letter is available on the School website and will be sent home to parents of the school this week.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

"Why we can't live without books"

7 Caburn and 7 Ditchling have been responding to the World Book Day Award competition "Why we can't live without books".  Our entry for the competition has been submitted in the form of a film with students from Caburn and Ditchling performing plays, poems, a Gangnam Style rhapsody about books and creative displays.  

This is the first World Book Day Award to celebrate the pleasures of reading and the winning schools will be given the chance to transform their libraries.  The first prize is £10,000, with a second prize of £5,000, and three runners-up will each receive £3,000 worth of books.

Whether we win or not, this has been a rewarding activity for the students who have really enjoyed taking part in the competition as you can see from these photographs of some of the displays.

Some quotes from the students:

"Books aren't made of pages and words; they are made of hopes, dreams and possibilities"

"A life without books is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point"

"Reading is dreaming with open eyes"

"Books are uniquely portable magic"

A display of some of the work produced by Year 7 can be seen in the school entrance